Taking your child to visit the dentist

Taking your child to the dentist for the first time can be daunting, even up until their early childhood years. As soon as your child develops teeth they are at risk of cavities. Dentists recommend children have their first check-up within six months of the eruption of their first tooth, and no later than their first birthday. Regular check-ups should then follow, twice a year, as is recommended for adults.

Preparing Your Child

Schedule an appointment at a time when you know your child will be most cooperative. Work around their regular nap times so they’re not too tired or irritable. Before going to the dentist, tell your child about the appointment and answer any questions they may have. You might even find a children’s book to read to them that explains what will happen at the dentist, which will make your child feel more familiar and comfortable with the experience. Never surprise them with a dental visit. If your child seems anxious, bring along a favourite toy or blanket that will help to reassure them.

At the Dentist

The dentist will gently inspect your child’s teeth, gums, jar and bite for signs of decay, gum disease or other problems. They may even professionally clean your child’s teeth and explain how to care for their teeth as they grow older. Consider following up the trip to the dentist with some kind of reward for your child so they learn to view dental visits as a positive experience.


The information contained on this website and websites linked to this website (Information) does not constitute or comprise comprehensive medical or dental advice. You should seek dental advice directly from your dentist before acting or relying on the Information.

First published: 06 November 2014

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